The Spectrum of the Almost Mathieu Operator
The notes are based on a series of six lectures, given during my stay at the CRC 701 in June/July 2008. The lecture series intended to give a survey of some of the results for the almost Mathieu operator that have been obtained since the early 1980’s. Specifically, the metalinsulator transition is discussed in detail, along with its relation to the ten Martini problem via duality and reducibility.
منابع مشابه
The Absolutely Continuous Spectrum of the Almost Mathieu Operator
We prove that the spectrum of the almost Mathieu operator is absolutely continuous if and only if the coupling is subcritical. This settles Problem 6 of Barry Simon’s list of Schrödinger operator problems for the twenty-first century.
متن کاملOn the Measure of the Spectrum for the Almost Mathieu Operator*
We obtain partial results on the conjecture that for the almost Mathieu operator at irrational frequency, α, the measure of the spectrum, S(α,Λ,,θ) = |4 — 2\λ\\. For \λ\ή=2 we show that if an is rational and αM-^α irrational, then S+(απ,λ,0)-»|4 -2|λ||.
متن کاملMetal - insulator transition for the almost Mathieu operator
We prove that for Diophantine ω and almost every θ, the almost Mathieu operator, (Hω,λ,θΨ)(n) = Ψ(n+ 1) + Ψ(n− 1) +λ cos 2π(ωn+ θ)Ψ(n), exhibits localization for λ > 2 and purely absolutely continuous spectrum for λ < 2. This completes the proof of (a correct version of) the Aubry-André conjecture.
متن کاملAlmost Everything about the Almost Mathieu Operator I*
We review some aspects of the spectral theory of the Almost Mathieu operator (acting on`2 (Z)): where ; ; 2 R. We concentrate on the spectrum as a set, and describe the partial results obtained so far on the conjectures that, for irrational , it is a Cantor set and has Lebesgue measure j4 ? 2jjj.
متن کاملAbsolute Continuity of the Integrated Density of States for the Almost Mathieu Operator with Non-critical Coupling
We show that the integrated density of states of the almost Mathieu operator is absolutely continuous if and only if the coupling is non-critical. We deduce for subcritical coupling that the spectrum is purely absolutely continuous for almost every phase, settling the measure-theoretical case of Problem 6 of Barry Simon’s list of Schrödinger operator problems for the twenty-first century.
متن کاملAbsence of Cantor Spectrum for a Class of Schrödinger Operators
It is shown that the complete localization of eigenvectors for the almost Mathieu operator entails the absence of Cantor spectrum for this operator.
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